kelly wahlquist

Catholic Evangelist & Speaker

Kelly Wahlquist is a dynamic and inspiring Catholic speaker whose gift of weaving personal stories and Scripture together with practical advice allows her audience to enter more fully into what Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict have called us into - to be witnesses of our faith and part of the New Evangelization.

Upcoming Events



•   January 22 & 23:  Perfect Love Casts Out Fear Retreat, St. Francis de Sales, Newark, Ohio (Video)


•   February 12 & 13: WINE: Catholic Women's Conference, Elk River, MN.



•   January 10 & 11:  Walk in Her Sandals Retreat, St. Francis de Sales, Newark, Ohio

•   January 24 &25: Walk in Her Sandals Retreat, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Carmel, Indiana


•   February 21 & 22: WINE: Catholic Women's Conference, Edina, MN. For more info and to register visit

•   February 27 - March 1: Retreat with Alyssa Bormes, Be Present: Finding Order in the Chaos of Life, Winona, MN


•   March 7: Diocese of Jefferson City Women’s Conference, Cathedral of St. Joseph, Walk in Her Sandals. For more info and to register visit Diocese of Jefferson City. To watch promo video, click HERE

•   March 10: Women, WINE & Wisdom, Covered in the Dust of My Rabbi: How Sitting at the Feet of Jesus can Bring Balance to Your Life, St. Mary’s Assumption Catholic Church in Cottonport, Louisiana —Diocese of Alexandria

•   March 14: Lenten Women’s Retreat, Covered in the Dust of My Rabbi: How Sitting at the Feet of Jesus can Bring Balance to Your Life, Holy Family, St. Louis Park, MN

•   March 17: Women, WINE & Malarkey: A St. Paddy’s Day Special with Alyssa Bormes, Why We Need Jerry Springer and Reality T.V., St. Vincent de Paul, Osseo, MN

•   March 27 & 28: WINE: Catholic Women's Conference, Aiea, Hawaii. For more information and to register visit


•   April 16-19: WINE at Ease Retreat, The Meritage, Napa Valley, California

•   April 24-26: Blessed Sacrament’s Fifth Annual 2020 Women’s Retreat sponsored by the Mary & Elizabeth Ministry: Be Radiant at Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades, Federal Way, Washington. For more information and to register visit Blessed Sacrament Church.


•   May 14: Women, WINE & Wisdom, Why the Church Needs WINE!, Long Island, New York. More info to follow.

  •   May 19: Legatus, Our Supreme Role in the New Evangelization, Wakonda Club, 3915 Fleur Dr., Des Moines


•   June 5 & 6: WINE: Catholic Women's Conference, Diocese of Birmingham, St. John’s, Huntsville, Alabama. More information to follow.