Anticipation…. It's Making Me Wait!
Advent is a time of patient waiting for the Lord to be reborn once again into our hearts. It is a time for us to come face to face with the truth captured in the words of St. Augustine. "You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our heart can find no rest until it rests in you."
Dear Lord, why do I have to learn this lesson over and over again: to wait for you, that my heart will not rest until it rests in you? On this second day of Advent, give me patience, Lord. Give me patience to wait for your answer to my prayers. Give me patience as I wait to see my role in your plan of sheer goodness. Walk with me on this journey of preparation for your coming. Help me prepare my heart for you, and give me patience as I joyfully await your arrival.
*Follow our simple Advent reflections on our FaceBook page at WINE: Women In the New Evangelization