A Week to Ponder
A week away from the birth of her son. No ultra-sound to pinpoint the date. No weekly check-ups to chart her progress. No Lamaze or breast-feeding classes to drag Joseph to. What must Mary have been thinking?
Mary's entire life was a Lectio Divina—a meditation on the Word of God. On this day, some 2,000 + years ago, she had to be pondering the words of the angel to her 9 months earlier…. and pondering to Mary didn't just mean thinking, "Hmmm, what does this mean?" Pondering to Mary was deep prayer. No doubt Mary's pondering consisted of, "What does this mean in light of God's will for my life?"
In one week, the Son of God will be born anew in your heart—the place you've been preparing for him all Advent. Perhaps today is a good day to ponder, "What does Jesus' coming this Christmas in 2014 mean in light of God's will for my life?"
*Follow along with the WINE: Women In the New Evangelization quick daily Advent Reflections on our FaceBook page: WINE: Women In the New Evangelization