kelly wahlquist

Catholic Evangelist & Speaker

Kelly Wahlquist is a dynamic and inspiring Catholic speaker whose gift of weaving personal stories and Scripture together with practical advice allows her audience to enter more fully into what Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict have called us into - to be witnesses of our faith and part of the New Evangelization.

Novena to St. Mary Magdalene begins July 13

On Holy Saturday, I posted a blog about one of my favorite saints, St. Mary Magdalene. The post was called "Go To Where You Know Jesus To Be" and focused on the fact that when Mary Magdalene faced her darkest hour—her Lord, her Hope, her Savior was dead and buried—she went to the tomb. She went to where she knew the Lord to be.

We can learn a great lesson from Mary Magdalene's actions in her time of great suffering, and we can also take great comfort in the fact that she will intercede on our behalf.

How cool is it to think that right now Mary Magdalene is before the Risen Lord? She is standing in the light of the Savior, and she will pray for us to have the same undying love, faith, courage, hope, and perseverance that she had in her time of need. We just need to ask her.

Beginning this Sunday, I invite you to join me in a beautiful novena to St. Mary Magdalene. I found this novena years ago on the Wellsprings website. I will post the novena reflection and prayer each day here on my blog with a link to their site, and together on July 22, we will celebrate St. Mary Magdalene's Feast Day.

Join me in praying to the Apostle to the Apostles, as we ask her to pray for us in our mission to share the Good News of the Risen Lord— just as she did on that first Easter Sunday!



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