A Seeking Heart focuses on Created to Relate
This week, Allison Gingras is talking about "Created to Relate: God's Design for Peace and Joy" on her radio show, which airs on Real Life Radio. If you tune in daily at 9am CST, you can listen as Allison not only unpacks the book, but adds her own insightful, and very witty, comments.
Allison truly has a heart for sharing the fruits that come from learning and growing in the faith in the small group setting. When she first posted that she was going to be reviewing my book, she told people a little bit about who I am and then added #SeparatedAtBirth. I had to chuckle when I saw it, and now after hearing her talk about the importance of building relationships, and how deeply she believes that we must support and encourage one another on this journey, I think she might be right!
Through the gracious donation of Servant Books, one lucky raffle winner will win 8 copies of "Created to Relate," but should you win, your victory comes with one little caveat—you have to invite 7 friends, or acquaintances, or whomever the Spirit prompts you to invite, to join you for a "Created to Relate" book club. If you've never led a small group, no worries, Allison explains how easy it is on her podcast from 8-4-15. And truly, if these are 7 of your friends, no need to worry, the reflections and the questions are provided at the end of each chapter, and if you serve anything chocolate, you're sure to be a hit!
To enter the raffle to win 8 books, click here.